The Importance of Product Roadmaps

A product roadmap is a high-level, visual summary that maps out the vision and direction of a product over time, but why is it important? A roadmap communicates the what and the why behind what is being built and serves as a strategic guiding document and plan for executing the overall product strategy.

Most of the time, roadmaps are associated with software applications—but they can be applicable and helpful for mapping out and planning improvements in many different industries. In our webinar, The Importance of Product Roadmaps, Lynn Miller, Director of Product Management—Provider Market, discusses the overall goals and objectives of roadmaps, and the overall impact they have on organizations. He challenges viewers to think about their agencies and apply this roadmap framework to some of the goals and challenges present within their organization.

Are you interested in learning more? Click the link below to watch the 30-minute webinar!